Information about Study
Characteristics of the study programme:
Application of graduates:
The graduate will be able to reconsider problems of the needy in the mission, to assist the client in poverty, in the prison, to members of ethnic minorities, to the clients which lost their jobs, to help elderly people, to promote and protect the rights of the needy in missions in the Third World, to carry out activities ensuring the planning and control of the forms of assistance. He could apply particularly in the missionary and charity field work, local government, organizations providing humanitarian operations, public institutions with a focus on social sector, as a manager of social services, in management and control institutions; he could be involved in the creation of a social policy and social legislation.
Submission of applications for acad. year 2017/18:
To the undergraduates application must be attached:
- certified school-leaving certificate
- external study applicants have to attach a confirmation about employment from the employer at the time of applying (if you are employed, attach a confirmation about that; if you are unemployed, attach a copy of the confirmation when you have finished the last employment)
Application must be confirmed by a doctor and by high school that you completed.
VŠZaSP sv. Alžbety
The fee for material support of the admission procedure:
Method of payment:
Information for those interested in master degree of the programme Missionary and charity work, which have completed another related field:
Admission: Students are accepted without being interviewed. Applicant don´t have to pass exams to be accepted for study.
Looking forward to seeing you there. J
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Postup zadávania prác je v smernici o EZP Aktuálne oznamyPozývame vás na medzinárodnú konferenciu SPOLUPRÁCA POMÁHAJÚCICH PROFESIÍ POĽSKO – ČESKO – SLOVENSKÉ ŠTÚDIE v Poľsku - Ksiezowka, Zakopane, ktorá sa bude konať 18. – 19. októbra 2024. (Viac info tu)
Pozývame vás na konferenciu s medzinárodnou účasťou s názvom „Sestra a pôrodná asistentka ako súčasť multidisciplinárneho tímu“ Termín konania: 14.11.2024 Miesto konania: SOŠ hotelových služieb a obchodu, Zdravotnícka 3, Nové Zámky (viac info tu)
Upozornenie - korešpondenčná adresa od 1.12020: VŠ zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, n.o. P.O.BOX 104 81001 Bratislava
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