A.1.Vnútorné predpisy podľa § 48 ods.1 písm. a) a c)- m)
A.1 Internal regulations according to § 48 of the Higher Education Act (1 a)-c)-m)
Statute of St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Study regulations of St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
The principles of the selection procedure for filling the posts of university teachers, researchers, professors and associate professors and senior staff
Working regulations of St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Organisational regulations of St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Election regulations of Academic Senate
Rules of procedure of the Academic Senate of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Rules of procedure of the Scientific Council of St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Scholarship regulations of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Disciplinary regulations of St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Rules of procedure of the Dicsciplinary Committee of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
A.2 Vnútorné predpisy upravujúce vnútorný systém podľa § 48 ods.1 písm. b)
A.2 The internal rules governing the internal system pursuant to Article 48(1)(b)
Creation, application and evaluation of the internal quality systom of higher education St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Structure ,policies and processes of a coherent internal quality assurance systom for higher education within the scope of St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
External assessment of the internal quality systom of higher education of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Statutes of the Council of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Creation, preparation, approval, modification and termination of study programmes of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Statutes and Rules of Procedure Programme Council of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work for study programmes and fields of study for habilation and inauguration proceedings
Rector´s measure - Code of Ethics of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Rector´s action on equal treatment of teachers and students of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Selection of supervisors and thesis opponents at the SEU
Directive on the work, processing, notification and handling of personal data of students and teachers and thei protection at the SEU
Reviewing complaints from students claiming their rights or pointing out shortcomings and taking from students to improve the work of the SEU
Principles for the selection of teachers of individual courses of study programmes, approval of thesis supervisors and approval of thesis supervisors within the scope of the SEU
Principles of conclusion, changes and termination of contractual relations of the SEU
Motivation and stimulation of creative, scientific and career growth of university teachers, researchers, students and ensuring sufficient space, material, technical, informational and personnel for the implementation of study programmes at SEU
B. Ostatné predpisy
B. Other regulations
Habilation and inauguration proceedings in the conditions of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Directive on the support of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work for applicants for studies and students with specific needs
Guidelines on the requirements for thesis, rigorous and habilitation theses, their bibliographic registration, originality control, preservation and accessibility
Statute of the University Pastoral Centre of Blessed Z. Schelingova at SEU
Rector´s order –Antiplagiarism manual of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Registration and shredding regulations of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Library regulations
Verification of the acquired knowledge and skills of students through state examinations
Appeal proceedings of the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
The establishment and powers of the Committee for the procedure for the withdrawal of academic or scientific – teaching degrees tittles
Directive on the receipt and handling of complaints about anti- social activities
Directive on the rigorosum procedure
Directive of the Rector on the sale of textbooks, books, magazines and other printing products related to the study at the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Rector´s directive on the amount of tuition fees associated with studying at the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work in the academic year 2022/2023
Rector´s directive on the amount of tuition fees associated with studying at the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work in the academic year 2021/2022
C. Opatrenia s pozastavenou, resp. ukončenou účinnosťou
The concept of student assessment of teaching
Directive on doctoral studies at the St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work